EduSourced is the leading software platform for real-world experiential projects in the college classroom. Now, it is better than ever with the new Microsoft Office Online integration. For thousands of students and educators, we are the online meeting place between...
360 degree surveys for experiential project teams
360 degree surveys in experiential projects are the gold-standard for managing team feedback. 360s provide your students with the learning experience of seeing their peers' and instructor's view of their performance on a project relative to their self-perception....
Three Reasons Experiential Projects Fail
2,438: is the number of real-world client based projects completed in EduSourced in the past 2 and a half years. We see all kinds: capstone courses required for every MBA student to complete, undergrad capstones that are the first time a student delivers a project for...

Your school’s experiential learning initiative needs a higher profile. Here’s why.
For years, economists, educators, and employers have been sounding the alarm about the "skills gap" - the widening chasm between employers' needs and workers' capabilities. In many industries, there simply aren't enough skilled workers to fill open positions. The...
5 Steps to creating an experiential learning program on your campus
Thinking about creating an Experiential Learning Program to incorporate client-based experiential projects into your curriculum? These programs allow your students to gain valuable project-based experiences within their desired industries. Client-based experiential...
Students: set your resume apart with work experience in the real-world
“Your resume is impressive, but we’re really looking for a candidate that has worked in this specific industry before. Come back to us when you gain some more experience and we can talk again”. As a college Senior or a recent grad, these words might sound a little too...