Building Better Experiential Learning Teams Building experiential learning teams is one of the most time-consuming elements of running an EL course. In this webinar, Roger McCarty, the longtime Director of Experiential Learning at BYU, BYU Hawaii, and now Ensign...
Experiential Learning Benchmark Report Panel Discussion
Our panel, including experiential learning experts from Duke, UT Dallas, Washington University and EduSourced discuss key trends.
Webinar: UT Dallas Jindal’s Expansive and High Impact Multidisciplinary Experiential Learning This episode of Experiential Academy features Edwin Van Der Vlist and Dr. David Parks from UT Dallas Jindal School of Management. Edwin and David present on their multidisciplinary experiential learning capstone: UTDsolv, a corporate...
4 Years of Experiential Learning Trends & Benchmarking
In this session, we unpack Industry-based Experiential Learning trends and best practices as measured in our 2022 benchmark survey. Arline MacCormack of Babson and Allyson Gibson of BYU provide insights and context from on the ground.Subscribe to EduSourced on YouTube...
Beyond Capstone: MTU’s Multiyear, Multidisciplinary Experiential Learning Nearly every school wants to do more Multidisciplinary Experiential Learning. Michigan Tech University launched and grew an Experiential Learning program that pulls 900 students each year from across the university for multidisciplinary...
Experiential Learning at Scale: 1,000 Student PBL Course There are many reasons live projects in the classroom are difficult but University of Houston Bauer proves that any challenge can be met, even if you have a required course with 1,000 students! Jamie Belinne, Assistant Dean for Career...